Dear Parents and Students, 

Every child is expected to go to school for about 14 years in his/her life. During this period, what he has to learn as a human being is to develop two of in-built mechanisms of the human brain,  in the right direction at the right place (School) and with the right people (teachers.)

The two mechanisms in his brain-

  1. Neo-cortex:

Mechanism for developing not only the intellect, knowledge and skills, but also what is called wisdom. The wisdom is the power of rationality to do whatever you do just with vivek, i.e., a strong spiritual force or a divine force – to do what is right and just, and not to do anything which is not good (in every sense) or which is unjust.

  1. Limbic System:

The emotional brain which is unfortunately many a time overpowered by animal instincts like  anger, ego, greed, violence, selfishness and so on.

At school, through this, he would build his personality and capacity to develop his own self for career or for his adult life. But more important than this,  would be to develop his character and moral values, through which he would be able to utilize his wisdom and overcome beastly l instincts, which otherwise would make him “an animal” internally.

Not only do you, dear parent,  play an important role in your child’s life but also his/ her school  teachers. The world that your child will be a different one from yours. As a wise parent, be in sync with your child’s  school teachers to create a holistic perspective of education and life.

It is but natural that you all as parents, expect that your child grows up to a become a true human being, faithful and obedient to  you, his/her parents, with a spiritual spirit of rendering services to the motherland as well as the humanity at large.

My dear little friends, make the best use of your time while you are at school. Your parents have put you in this school with lots of dreams and aspirations. Aim for excellence in whatever you do – big or small. Keep on reinforcing yourself with positive thoughts, while getting ahead with times and technology,  to get the best from the environment of learning,

But above all, you have to pledge yourself to become a wise human being and develop your personality to serve your family, nation and the world through leading a life, infused with intellectual power, honesty, service and altruism.

Both you and your child bear in mind that whatever you desire strongly, even the Universe will conspire to get it for you.

With Spiritual Blessings,

Muni Mahendra Kumar